Saturday, June 27, 2015

Driven chlorine damage your hair ...

Young woman in bikini relaxing by the pool - B2M Productions / Photodisc / Getty Images

B2M Productions / Photodisc / Getty Images

Chlorine Damage Hair?

Chlorine, at least with respect to the hair, a chemical disinfectant is added to water in many swimming pools. If pool owners did not use chlorine, you probably will not want the mud contaminated water from the beginning to swim. , A brief occasional exposure to chlorinated water really will not damage your hair. It can make you feel dry for a day or two, but.

Regular exposure to chlorinated swimming pools can cause significant damage to your hair.

Disinfectants are commonly used to break down and remove dirt, oil and bacteria. Our scalp to naturally produce oil hair from damage and scratches. Without the oil from your hair in a pool on a regular basis can dry causing increased porosity, and in some cases pretty significant damage if you do not take steps to prevent and treat your hair for chlorine exposure.

Chlorine Turn My Hair Green?

While it is true that chlorine gas is a greenish-yellow color, chlorine does not turn green hair. Chemistry Guide Anne Marie Helm Stine, Ph.D., explains in this article that it's actually oxidized metals (copper) in the water that bind to the protein in the hair shaft and deposit a green color.

Now before you, bad for chlorine a bad rap all these years to go feeling forever, chlorine is not completely innocent. As I already explained, regular exposure to chlorine can cause dry porous hair. Dry, porous hair (especially hair has been chemically lightened or highlighted and is more likely to be damaged by chlorine exposure) are more likely to absorb chemicals and discoloration.

Who is at risk for damage from chlorine?

Anyone who regularly makes her hair chlorine water risks damage, but some hair types will damage faster or difficult. If your hair meets the following requirements, you need to take extra precautions to prevent and treat chlorine damage:

How to prevent chlorine damage

You can come before and after, to prevent the pool to chlorine from damaging your beautiful hair a few things immediately.

  • Saturate the hair with water. Before entering the pool, rinse your hair with tap water to saturate your hair. Have you ever noticed that a sponge absorbs more water, and once the water is full of easy escapes? Your hair is like a sponge. If you saturate your hair with tap water, your hair will be less likely to absorb as much chlorinated water in the pool.
  • Use a bathing cap. If you are doing a lot of swimming or concerned about damage can make a big difference a swimming cap. Before you to your hat, you saturate your hair with clean water and apply a light conditioner for your hair.
  • Rinsing, washing, rinsing. After leaving the pool, a good clean rinse in the shower the process of removing the chlorine from your hair starts. In fact, it's a good idea to rinse your hair often with clean water while swimming to keep flushing the chlorine and chemicals from products.
  • Shampoo. Wash your hair immediately after chlorine exposure is the best way to remove most of the chlorine and the damage they cause to stop your hair. Some shampoos are specially to remove chlorine and are a great idea for regular swimmers. Check out these shampoos chlorine sensitive. For kids, I recommend brand fairytale (adults may also be used). A clarifying shampoo treatment is another way to keep chlorine build in check.
  • Balance / protein moisture. Just as important as removing the chlorine, you have to replace the moisture and protein that the chlorine strips from your hair as soon as possible. It is important to condition your hair after shampooing also, and called for a leave-in conditioner to soothe protein, dry hair and split ends prevent recommend. Personally, I think all of the chlorine exposed head you should use this product.

How to repair damage from chlorine

If chlorine has damaged your hair, you know. Chlorine damaged hair is very dry, frizzy (especially at the ends), bleached, and often feels a little like straw. It tangles and mats easily. These tips can help you revive your chlorine damaged hair again:

  • Talk to your hairdresser. If you already have severe chlorine damage, go to a professional. Make to assess the damage to your hair and recommend products or treatments to help, and at least a haircut to remove the ends that are likely to suffer the most damage. Once your hair is damaged, the repair is not in question and a haircut is your only hope for soft, shiny hair.
  • Lighten hair. If chlorine has damaged your hair, probably you are also in place in your hair and make her feel worse than it is. Try a clarifying shampoo, or try super-clarifying your hair with this quick trip home soda. Rinse with apple cider vinegar is also a good option to remove the accumulation of chlorine.
  • Check your scalp. Chlorine is not only drying to your hair, but can also cause dry scalp. If the scalp is very dry and your hair is damaged, we recommend giving Nioxin products attempt to repair damage, replenish moisture, and put your scalp is healthy condition (even if your hair is not thinning).
  • Use a regular protein treatment. Refilling of the protein in your hair that has been withdrawn by the chlorine will help repair and rebuild the strength of the hair.
  • Deep condition your hair. While a regular daily conditioning is a must, if your hair is damaged by chlorine you need treatment weekly or biweekly seal in moisture deep conditioning and soothe the frizzy split ends. Coconut oil is another god for repair damanged hair sent caused by chlorine.
  • Be very patient. While you're working to repair damaged hair, be patient. Time to recover damaged hair is needed for life. Meanwhile, try these tricks for healthier hair, now.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How often do you really need a new haircut?

Hairdresser cutting the hair and steep - Cavan Images / Iconica / Getty Images

Cavan Images / Iconica / Getty Images

Knowing how often you have your hair cut much with your hair goals and the chemical processes you put your hair to do regularly. This guide will help you set up your own haircut schedule, without you want to pull your hair.

It is important to know that hair grows an average of one half inch every four weeks. Of course some people hair grows a little faster and a little bit slower growing.

Long Hair
If your hair is long, and you need to want to keep a long time, it is important to regularly cuts to get your long hair healthy. Long hair is very old. Like everything that age, receives most of the hair that is fragile. Long hair is prone to breakage, split ends normally and appear thinner. If the color or highlight your long hair, it is even more likely to have damage. Regular cuts will help keep your hair strong and healthy.

Long hair should be trimmed at least every 8-12 weeks. If you notice more breakage or split ends can reduce the frequency to every 6-8 weeks. Be specific with your stylist when you take your hairstyle. If you want to grow your hair longer, ask your stylist to cut half an inch or less extreme. If you want to stay on your hair the same length, you must ask him to cut off more limbs. Remember, hair grows half an inch to four weeks. Keep this in mind when talking to your stylist how much hair to cut.

Average height Hair
The same rules generally apply for medium length hair as they do for long hair. Cortes regular intervals of 6-12 weeks are very important to keep your hair healthy in appearance. If you like the length of your hair, a trim every 6-8 weeks will keep your hair to the desired length. If you grow your hair every 8-12 weeks opt instead for a trim.

Short Hair
Short hair, especially if you want to keep your short style, cut hair often need to stay cool. If you have short hair, you know, what appears to be growing rapidly.

Short hair should be cut every 4-8 weeks to keep the shape of your cool haircut. As mentioned above, if you are trying to grow your hair, you will want to consider haircuts every 6 to 12 weeks.

Chemically treated hair
If the color, highlight, perm, or chemically straighten your hair on a regular basis, you may find that your hair needs cutting more often. Chemical processes can cause hair to break, split, or become very dry. Frequently cuts hair can help prevent over-drying and breakage.

Hair growth
Many people make the mistake of not regularly cut hair when trying to grow your hair. It's also a common myth that regular hair cuts your hair grow faster. Let me set the record straight. Regular courts do not grow hair faster. Rather, regular trims prevent hair breakage and split ends that seems to make your hair to grow more slowly. The most important in growing your hair is seen to communicate with your hair stylist and have the ends of your hair trimmed slightly at regular intervals. This will minimize hair breakage and maximize your growth potential! Check out these great tips to grow your hair.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Love this year; 11 Trends Hair Everyone & # 039

11. Granny Hair

I am a little surprised that the trend of hair grandmother is taking off, but it's huge and each gray (yes, gray) hair wants. I have all these years my living as a colorful gray coverage, and now I am asked to do gray hairs. I'm not quite sure what to think of the trend, but I will say: Grey is not easy to do with the color of the hair color. Make sure your stylist is well versed in the granny hair trend prior to your appointment. Granny bad hair is often green, purple or blue.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Using coconut oil to dry repair your ...

Coconut oil - Phu Thinh Co / Flickr

Phu Thinh Co / Flickr

Coconut oil is undoubtedly one of the most effective hair for a variety of treatments, hair problems. Many claim that coconut oil actually works better than artificial treatments on the market, and because it is 100% natural, it is free from silicone, alcohol and other chemicals that can aggravate sensitive skin and hair. It works great for repairing damaged hair that is over-processed been heat damaged or dry naturally.

Coconut oil is also anti-fungal in nature, making it a perfect or as a preventative treatment for dandruff treatment dandruff naturally. He is to receive a great regular hair treatment for hair and scalp in good health, when used as part of your regular hair care (1-4 times a month).

Why coconut oil works best

Coconut oil can be found in a variety of pharmacies, grocery stores, health food stores or drugstores. Coconut oil works well for reconditioning dry hair and damaged due to the molecular structure of coconut oil, unlike other oils or moisturizers that just sit on the hair, it is ideal for penetrating the hair shaft, increasing sales cuticle, repairing and preventing damage from inside to outside. Lauric acid, capric acid, and vitamin E (all present in coconut oil) help restructure hair, increase hair to improve the force by preventing protein loss, and the brightness significantly. People who use regularly a coconut oil treatment report increased body shine and manageability with less breakage, static, tangles, and split ends.

Many also claim that hair sheds less and feels thicker after regular use.

Using coconut oil as a deep conditioning

For a deep conditioning treatment, massage a few tablespoons of coconut oil in your hair and clean damp scalp (if your hair is thin or get fat easily, you can choose to ignore the leather scalp as the oil could weigh your hair). You need more for long hair. Use more oil where your hair is the driest and most damaged (typically on the ends) and less where your hair is healthiest (mid-shaft and scalp). I think it's best to section your hair and apply coconut oil into manageable, make sure that all the hair is coated properly sections. When coconut oil is in a solid state, you need to heat the oil gently to create a liquid. The oil sit on the hair for 20 to 30 minutes after application. People with very dry or porous hair may opt to leave it more time and some people use as a night treatment. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, cover with a shower cap and wrap your hair in a hot towel (fresh from the dryer) or heat with a hair dryer for a few minutes. Because the oil is very heavy, you have your hair oil after treatment and shampoo.

Coconut oil can be a god-send to the damage with heavy, with hair processing and heat styling. It is important to use the amount of coconut oil, and the amount of time for the oil in the hair in a way that works for your specific hair type experiment penetrate. If the coconut oil leaves depressed feeling or oily hair, try using more or less effective shampooing after treatment.

Using coconut oil as a daily hair Hydrating / detangler

You can use a small amount of coconut oil on the ends of your hair after showering as a detangler and as a day for very dry hair moisturizer. It seems to wonder about questions of dry skin.

Use coconut oil for treating dandruff

To treat dandruff, massage a small amount of coconut oil on the scalp and leave for at least 10 minutes and up to overnight (you will wear a shower cap to bed or wrap your head / pillow in a towel want). Shampoo. To remove excess skin from dandruff, use this treatment Epson salt.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Seven Deadly Sins You & # 039; Probably again ...

The fact that his record up to 450 degrees, does not mean you need to give high returns. Of course there are some exceptions, such as if you are in a hurry in the Super occasional night or if your hair is incredibly strong and rebellious and high heat of the look you want is required, (even then you keep it from time to time). The thinner your hair, the less heat you can handle, so that the use of heat tools responsible for temperature you keep your hair from damage.

A good heat protection spray is also a good idea, but the thermal protection does not mean that your hair will not be damaged by heat. It only helps to prevent damage, but not guaranteed. Here are a few of my favorites:

Photo credit: 4GB / Getty Images

Thursday, May 7, 2015

As you grow your natural hair color ...

Young woman sitting and looking at her hair - Images Getty Choice Nacivet / Photographer

Choice Getty Images Nacivet /

You color your hair to hide gray or changed her hair color all together, you can be a time when you decide that you want to shine, but your natural color. You can save money on your hair to save routine, a healthy change you need, or maybe you forgot your natural color. There are some ways to make the transition without just stopping cold turkey and let them all grow.

The process is on what coloring treatments you have had, hanging and what your goals are. I recommend you a professional in order to ensure the best course of action for your hair helps search.

If you some highlights ...
If you just add some highlights its natural color transition to your hair lighter, it's easy. It can grow and embrace see a shadow, regular haircuts even the shade or replace the highlights with little light near its natural color every 6-12 weeks until the highlights have disappeared.

If you lighten your natural color ...
If your color brighten all together either by highlighting heavily, coloring in a lighter shade, or change the sound to go the a bit of a task, of course, but it's usually all together complicated. The first step is to let your hair grow at least two or three months. This is your stylist a good sample of your natural color.

Then you need a sound to their natural colored "tint back" is as close as possible to make.

While a dye return process a load is likely applied to lost pigments that replace their darker color required. Filler is often a point or demi-permanent color, which is applied prior to permanent darker color, and is likely to be an orange or copper. Some fillers are added directly to the formulations of permanent hair color. Hair adequate filling will ensure that your hair is still, and will prevent your hair turning green or "muddy". I recommend that you consult a professional for a tint back service. The cost to a tint back troubleshoot will far outweigh the savings you can stand to try to attempt to replace your natural color yourself. It's not as simple as applying color that to look like your natural color to your head. Hair color can be very complicated, and achieving a natural tone should be left to a professional.

Depending on how much you lightened your hair in the past, the porosity of the hair, and general health, can in order to get the right tone (within two to six months) more than one color appointment. Work required with your stylist to ensure that you properly care for your hair, and ask if appointments or additional moisturizing proteins for optimal results

When darker the color ...
Hair color that has darkened a shade require back, but the process is a little different. Again, I recommend you a professional use, and let your hair grow for two or three months before your appointment so that you to see a good sample of your natural color, your hair stylist. Your stylist will remove the darker color by lightening via a soap cap application or an application of paint remover. After the darker color has been lifted to the desired natural level, a color or color toner will then be applied to the natural shade of your choice.

It is important to note that dark permanent hair color can easily be removed by a permanent color to your hair. Hair color (hair dye) Do not lift (lighten) colored hair. So if your hair darker and think you can successfully lighten your hair by a lighter box of hair color on her dark hair, you will learn a very hard lesson and probably need professional help to repair his mistake.

Cover gray ...
If the hair color (light or dark) to cover gray and are ready to embrace your natural gray hair, the process is different. Unfortunately having your hair color to a gray tone, mixed and match your natural gray color is nearly impossible. The growth process can take a long time, but if you're up for the challenge, there are some things you can do to make the process less painful. These tips also work if you want to stop coloring, or color less.

  • Cut your hair often, and keep it short. Time to grow your natural hair will be much shorter with short hair. Now is the perfect time to try a leprechaun.
  • Try to be strong or weak mix light colors. During the first growth of your hair, try highlights or lowlights for a few months to help transition to your natural color.
  • Try a demi-permanent color in terms of a permanent color. Semi-permanent color does not cover completely gray, but stir to help ensure a smooth transition. As the semi-permanent color fades, shine through its natural color.

Hair growth after a back color ...
After your hair has been colored again, you just have to let it grow. Remember, the hair that has been dyed back should still be treated as colored hair. Just because it's your natural color, it does not mean it is not chemically treated. Hair grows an average of half an inch per month. If your long hair will probably take years before your hair really "natural" is back.

The advantages of natural hair color ...
Color ,, colorless pure natural hair has several advantages. You will not only save time and money in the room, but the health of your hair will benefit from eliminating chemical exposure. Although her natural hair color does not seem very interesting, so carry out the impact of Sun natural highlights in her hair you can give a different perception.

I come from a pixie cut, a step by step guide

I have the patience of a hungry child, and my hair is growing at a snail's pace. I've always envied people who cut the hair and can grow within months. I am happy when my hair grows half the average "per month. I know because I measured it. I'm more interested in how to accelerate growth, to learn my own hair.

I am used to some of the recommendations made by the rapid hair growth, such as taking vitamins, being high in my scalp, healthy hair diet, and not the color of my hair.

To do so, the hair on my head grows incredibly slow. I like the random hairs on my chin and my leg hair would happen along a memorandum on the fastest growing, but since it was unlikely I was looking for another solution.

On the recommendation of my stylist, I decided to try FAST shampoo and conditioner. Of Nisim FAST is designed to maintain the protein building hair and scalp and nutrients they need for optimal growth. I am happy with my results of rapid deployment and can be a full review of the product can be found here.

Photo Credits: Photo © Kendra Aarhus